Abel N. Nieva

An overview of my career highlights and expertise.

Explore my professional experience and technical skills.

Work Experience

Senior Frontend Engineer

  • present
  • Self-employed

Collaborate with clients to implement responsive user interfaces using Angular and TypeScript, integrating external libraries as needed. Lead a team in feature implementation, improve the code delivery process, and initiate the migration from WordPress to Next.js. Resolve issues promptly during and after development, provide ongoing support, and manage project timelines to ensure timely delivery.

Senior Frontend Engineer → Lead Frontend Engineer

Spearheaded end-to-end website development with headless CMS and Nuxt.js. Defined system requirements, coordinated with partners, managed workloads, implemented software, set up CI/CD pipelines, tested, and monitored performance. Provided technical leadership to enterprise-grade digital solution teams, optimizing technology stacks and promoting best coding practices with Vue.js.

Senior Frontend Engineer

Developed a health tracking mobile app with Angular and Ionic, ensuring a responsive experience. Defined the client-side data model with TypeScript, optimized mobile performance, and integrated wearable apps using Android SDK and Apache Cordova. Implemented security measures for sensitive data and collaborated with UI/UX designers to transform data into useful charts.

Frontend Engineer

Rewrote the frontend for a banking application’s process management system from Struts to Angular.js, significantly boosting performance. Enhanced UI/UX by redesigning interfaces and streamlining user flows. Implemented a comprehensive testing strategy and resolved issues within 24 hours. Documented the new codebase, including architecture and component structure.

Frontend Developer → Senior Frontend Developer

Developed a website for Spain’s second-largest gas transmitter using WordPress, significantly improving operational efficiency within 6 months. Created Personal Finance Management tools for a mobile app using Backbone.js and Marionette.js, including charts for budget data. Developed a banking web app, performing cash flow analysis and delivering new features every two weeks.

Frontend Developer

  • Self-employed

Worked with marketing agencies on web development projects, gaining skills in coding, client interaction, and teamwork. As a WordPress developer, configured sites and created custom plugins and themes.


Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering

  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Higher Certificate in Science in Computer Systems Administration

  • Escuela Superior Luther King

High School Diploma in Sciences

  • Escuela de Educación Técnica Juana Azurduy