Abel N. Nieva

What I’ve crafted to leave my mark on the web universe.

Projects I’ve completed and am currently working on.


Projects I currently work on.

My personal website, which you are currently on, built with Astro and influenced by the design of Jarocki.me.

  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • Astro
  • Flowbite
  • Fontsource
Logo of Grupo La Musa

Website for a restaurant group based in Spain, offering a variety of dining and leisure experiences across multiple establishments.

  • PHP
  • WordPress
  • MySQL
  • Digital Ocean
  • Docker Swarm
  • Swarmpit
  • GitHub Actions


Projects I’ve worked on. Due to the nature of the internet, some projects aren’t online anymore.

Innovative design system library for a leading Spanish technology firm to craft seamless digital experiences.

  • HTML5
  • Sass
  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js
  • Stencil
  • Storybook
  • Jest
Logo of Minsait Payments

Website for a technology company that provides innovative card issuance and payment processing solutions.

  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • PHP
  • WordPress
  • GraphQL
  • MySQL

Website for a top provider of power grid control and automation technology in the electric power industry.

  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • Strapi
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB

Website for a leading provider of industry-specific software solutions, using WordPress as a headless CMS and Nuxt.js.

  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • PHP
  • WordPress
  • GraphQL
  • MySQL
Logo of Portal Paciente

Hybrid mobile application for the leading health insurer in Spain that tracks data from wearable healthcare devices.

  • TypeScript
  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • RxJS
  • Java
  • Spring
  • MongoDB
Logo of ING España

Hybrid mobile application for a leading bank in Spain equipped with tools for personal finance management.

  • JavaScript
  • Backbone.js
  • Marionette.js
  • Karma
  • Jasmine
  • Sinon
Logo of Redexis Gas

WordPress-base website for a top company in Spain specializing in the transport and distribution of natural gas.

  • PHP
  • WordPress
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery